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LA FAM Teatre is a company that receives aid for production, tours and fairs from the Valencian Institute of Culture (IVC), the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM) and other institutions.


“Recovery, transformation and resilience plan – Funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU”, Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of February 12, 2021, via Component 24, Investment 1, of the PRTR” – The Generalitat Valenciana has granted a subsidy of €99,988.40 (2022-2026).

Project funded by INAEM, Ministry of Culture and Sports. Financed by the European Union-Next Generation EU – Amount awarded €56,000

– The FAM Teatre has received aid from the IVC of €130,000 in biennial aid.

– Aid for Street Theater and Circus tours throughout the National Territory – €10,250 – Aid for Circus tours throughout the National Territory – €21,500 – Aid for Theater tours abroad – €15,000


In fiscal year 2022, La FAM Teatre has received aid from the IVC of €122,014.42 in biennial aid.

Aid for street theater tours throughout the national territory – €7,000


In 2021, it has received a total of 78,533 euros from the IVC.

Aid for street theater tours throughout the national territory – €9,000


Aid to support the maintenance of performing arts structures – €19,000


Pol. ind. Alaplana, A street, warehouse 9 Vila-real, Spain

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